Welcome to my first blog page!

Hello world!

Welcome to my blog page for Kachina Photos. My name is Vicki Uthe and I am currently an educator in Flagstaff, AZ. As I approach the end of my teaching career I’m looking forward to sharing my passion of photography with all who will listen.

Understand that this is a work in progress. I am excited to take you along with me on this journey.  I am a photojournalist by schooling and find myself drawn to documenting this thing called life. Whether it be a family gatherings or travel, my goal is to share with you how I get the images that I do.

My target audience is you, the common person. I’m not interested in reaching out to the top tier of photographers in the world. I want to inspire the everyday camera owner, be it a point and shoot, mirrorless, DSLR or full frame,  who wants to take better pictures of their family, friends and places they visit.

I look forward to hearing from you and reading your comments, especially if they inspire you to grab your camera and use it on your own life adventures.

Life's Adventures…