The plants along the Trek

The plant life along the trek was diverse, to say the least. In past posts, you’ve seen the rocky terrain of the higher elevations and very low ground cover, almost like a carpet. At the lower elevations, lower meaning 9,000 feet from Lukla, the flora was quite lush. We arrived in Lukla on October 11th and were surprised at the number of flowers still in bloom.

Scroll through the images, I’ll let them speak for themselves. I will, however, add commentary where I see fit. Enjoy!

I thought it was cool that there was a concerted effort to plant and beautify their homes with plants. It was hard to decipher if they are just growing as wildflowers but it is clear the cans are attempts to grow things.

I love the vines and ground cover between the rocks.

Again, planted? or growing free.

There were trees probably halfway up the trek. This one reminds me of a large hand!

On day three, up from Namche Bazaar, there were pine trees with large bluish cones. Pretty cool.

Ok wait…a SUNFLOWER?? I thought this was spectacular against the mountains.

These are the colors we expected for mid-October, reds and yellows.


And finally, small groupings of pretty blue flowers were scattered about. They were easy to miss. The challenge was always: look at the mountains? or the little details on the ground. I needed more eyes.


4 thoughts on “The plants along the Trek”

  1. That sunflower against the mountains shot is spectacular <3 Makes me happy to look at it 🙂 Beautiful flora on the trail.

  2. So pretty— and surprising, at least to me.

    I love the way you’re grouping your photos. So much more interesting this way! Thanks, as always!

  3. Love it! I don’t think people think or envision flowers when thinking about Nepal, the Himalayas or that region – I certainly didn’t.


  4. Love, love, love your photos, and the way you’ve grouped them! The sunflower shot against the mountain background is awesome! I have really enjoyed these posts – thank you so much Vicki.

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